Thought For the Week

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07/18/2003 Entry: "Trancebusting"

Does "it" just happen to you? Do you feel like "something" comes over you and makes you respond and react in ways that are inappropriate or embarrassing or dysfunctional in some way? Do you ever feel out of control of your own life and behaviors?

If that isnt a trance-action, what is? If you would like a quick way to break free of those moments of stupidity and dysfunctional interactions - If you want to be more effective, self-confident and empowered in your life, here is a quick way to begin to reprogram your life for more peace, more power, better relationships and more happiness in every way.

I call it Trance-buster #1 Stop - Breathe - Center and Choose. How does it work?
First, you must become aware before you get into trouble by noticing when your emotional energy begins to rise. Often this feels like a small electrical current shooting through your body when you are in the middle of a conversation, listening to others, or even reading something disturbing. As soon as you get that signal from your body, you just STOP everything. Excuse yourself and go to a quiet place if you can't do this practice in front of the problem situation or person. Do not allow yourself another word or moment in the situation until you take your focus to your body and BREATHE deeply. Then notice your shoulders, and take a deep breath. When you exhale, relax your shoulders all the way. Do the same thing with your jaw, hands, chest, abdomen, thighs, calves, and feet. When your whole body is free of tension, you are also free of the trance which was about to come over you and run you from the subsonscious level. Your mind has a moment of clarity when you can CENTER your body and your mental focus on relaxation, serenety and peace. This is your MOMENT OF POWER! You can now CHOOSE what you really want in that situation, and your mind will be clear enough to communicate and create it. You can choose peace or something else. How much less than peace do you choose. Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy, healthy and wise?

Affirmation: I can create peace and personal power whenever I STOP - BREATHE - CENTER and - CHOOSE the highest path possible in the situation.






Thought for the Week

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