Thought For the Week

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02/26/2004 Entry: "What Are You Thinking?-Lesson 1"

Did you know you are not your thoughts? Did you know most thoughts are not even YOUR thoughts, but rather they come from a past reality and from your exposure to the thoughts of others? Did you know that your thoughts dictate your feelings and actions? If you feel fearful, powerless and hopeless, you can bet it is from something you are thinking, and probably something from the past is dictating that thinking. If you are acting in ways that are dysfunctional for the life you desire today, the action started with a thinking process. Don't try to change your feelings and actions until you know what you are really thinking and the origin of those thoughts. You can't just think happy thoughts and all will be perfect in your life. That would be to negate your present concept of reality, and that never works for permanent change. Changing thoughts is usually a process - not an event.

First you must be able to OBSERVE your thinking, feeling, wanting and your intentions. Thinking involves all of these functions. Observing allows distance so that you can be objective. When you know you are the observer of the thinking, you are NOT the thinking.

Today I am beginning a series of entries to teach you the process of changing your mind and changing your life.

Lesson 1.
This week spend time (just a few minutes) each day to just observe yourself either in a present situation or one from the past 24 hours. Before you begin, Stop, Breathe and Center yourself by relaxing and focusing on your body till all your parts are relaxed. Then imagine you are watching yourself in front of your field of vision. Imagine you are looking over your own shoulder and clearly observe yourself without judgment. When judgments pop up, just release them and continue to observe your thinking, feeling, actions and intentions. Notice yourself and any others in that scene without judgment. NOBODY in that scene is you. You are gathering information, awareness - not judgement. Watch the play till that interaction is done. Then just sit in relaxing peace as you release the scene and clear your mind. For now, that is all to do. Practice this each day for a week till it is easy for you. Next week I will add the next lesson. Remember, it is a process - not an event. Like any other practice, you will get better and better and your life will begin to change in wonderful ways.

Today I allow myself to relax and comfortably observe my play of life from a
different perspective. I am not my play. I am the observer.






Thought for the Week

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