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Monday, September 29, 2003

There are many references to “spirit” or “spirituality” today, and all of them seem to be describing something different. Do you ever wonder what exactly spirit is? Do you think of it as something inside yourself or do you think of spirit as something outside yourself? Is it something you are or have? Or, is it something you call upon or think about? Is it here and now, or is it in a church or group?

I have seen references to spirit which seem to imply that it is anything from an individual’s emotions (ego stuff) to the concept that spirit is only to be found in one entity, a male god who resides somewhere up above humankind in a place called heaven (another form of ego stuff). It could be the life force inherent in all living beings. Or it could be the essence of all things animate or inanimate, one being, and one power - in all, through all, as all.

Whatever spirit is, if you want to make a spiritual connection, it cannot be made through an intermediary, someone outside of one’s self. The individual wishing to make a spiritual connection must make it personally. In other words, it takes a personal intention and personal power for a true spiritual connection. Nobody can save you but yourself.

To truly make a spiritual connection, you must get out of your ego, your dramas, your traumas, your neediness and your identity. TRANCE-actions are never spiritual connections. Spiritual connections come from peace and love; openness and givingness; freedom and generosity. If you haven't learned how to do this, try counseling to become aware of your personal dynamics and heal wounds. Hypnotherapy will help you transcend your traumas and teach you how to relax and make changes. Some self-help books offer insight and techniques for consciousness-raising and healing, and personal growth seminars usually have something to offer in this area too.

To get out of “your stuff” as I call it, you need to practice clearing your mind as in meditation, freeing your heart of petty emotions and desires, judgments and ideas, and just experiencing BEING. As a human being you cannot stay free of personality and trances, but you can know and observe the states you are in and return to your center at will.
When you have practiced enough to be able to return to that pure state of being anytime and in any situation, you will be truly connecting with spirit whatever you know it to be.

AFFIRMATION; Today I Stop, Breathe, Center and Choose the peace, freedom and power of the pure BEING state so that when I return to the play of life, I will be refreshed, renewed, clear-minded, open-hearted and ready to create a better world from the inside-out.

Posted by Victoria @ 12:36 PM CST [Link]


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